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BioGuard SoftSwim A - Algae Inhibitor

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This product is formulated to complement swimming pool water being treated with the BioGuard SoftSwim system. It is effective against the growth of algae. The wetting agent in this product allows it to penetrate small crevices where algae are likely to form.


Before you Apply:

1. Ensure all pool equipment is working properly. Clean or backwash the filter following the manufacturer's directions.

2. Check water alkalinity, pH and calcium hardness with a test kit or test strip. Adjust alkalinity to 80-125ppm for plaster pools, 125-150ppm for vinyl or fiberglass pools by adding alkalinity increaser. Adjust pH to 7.2-7.6 . Adjust calcium hardness to 200-275ppm for plaster pools, 175-225ppm for vinyl or fiberglass pools.

Pools with Visible Algae

If algae is visible, use 13.5 oz of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water. After 24 hours, clean out dead, settled algae. If algae is still present, repeat dosage as necessary.

Pools with no Visible Algae

Initial Application:  Add 6 oz of this product per 10,000 gallons for pool water every 5-7 days

Maintenance Application:  Add 1.5 oz of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water every 5-7 days

Booster Application:  Add 1.5 oz of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water when bather load is heavy or after prolonged rainfall



BioGuard SoftSwim A - Algae Inhibitor


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This product is formulated to complement swimming pool water being treated with the BioGuard SoftSwim system. It is effective against the growth of algae. The wetting agent in this product allows it to penetrate small crevices where algae are likely to form.


Before you Apply...

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