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BioGuard Banish

BioGuard Banish

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BioGuard Banish when used as directed, is a highly effective, patented, non-staining algicide that kills and controls algae in swimming pools. This product is especially recommended for killing and controlling green, blue-green (frequently called black or spot algae) and mustard algae growths. 

To Prevent Pool Algae

-Initially apply 8fl oz of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water with pump and filter operating

-Thereafter, for weekly application intervals, add 1.5fl oz per 10,000 gallons of pool water

-For two week application intervals, add 3fl oz per 10,000 gallons of pool water every other week

-Apply more often if pool volume is diluted by heavy rain, frequent backwashing or partial drain/refill

Treatment of Visible Pool Algae

-Add 1lb of BioGuard Maintain BurnOut 3 per 10,000 gallons of pool water or 1lb of BioGuard BurnOut 35 per 6,000 gallons of pool water or 1lb of BioGuard Smart Shock per 12,000 gallons of pool water. Follow application directions for these products.

-Allow to circulate for 1hr

-With pump and filter operating, apply 16fl oz of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water directly to the pool water in areas of heaviest algae growth

-Continuously circulate pool water for 24 hours

-The next day, thoroughly brush pool surface

-Prior to re-entry, test chlorine level. Do not enter pool until chlorine level is between 1-4ppm

-In cases of persistent algae, repeat brushing and product application after 2-4 days

-The use of a filter aid will enhance filter efficiency and algae removal

-Chemically cleaning the filter is recommended 3 to 4 days after treatment


Copper (metallic)* - 3.3%

Other Ingredients** - 96.7%

*Derived from copper sulfate pentahydrate (CAS No. 7758-99-8)

**Contains polymeric polyacrylate and gluconate stabilizing agents


BioGuard Banish


In Stock

BioGuard Banish


BioGuard Banish when used as directed, is a highly effective, patented, non-staining algicide that kills and controls algae in swimming pools. This product is especially recommended for killing and controlling green, blue-green (frequently called black or spot algae) and mustard algae growths. 

To Prevent Pool Algae

-Initially apply 8fl oz of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water with pu...

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