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$29.99Bacteria thrive in hot water. To keep spa water protected all the time, a residual sanitizer is needed. Simply add SpaGuard's Chlorinating Concentrate to spa water while the pump is running, and they dissolve completely to start disinfecting your spa. Chlorinating Concentrate is also pH neutral to ensure no effect on your chemically balanced spa water. This concentrate can be used in regular doses as a sanitizer, and in shock doses as an oxidizer.
1. Ensure all spa and tub equipment is working properly.
2. Backwash or clean the filter system following manufacturer's directions.
3. Adjust pH to between 7.2-7.6.
4. When using other products as outline in the directions for this product, always follow directions on those products.
5. Spas should be drained and cleaned at least every 60 days or whenever water becomes difficult to manage or keep clear.
6. Both oils, salts and lotions should not be used unless specifically formulated for use in spas and hot tubs as they can lead to cloudy water.
1. With pump on, add 1/2 teaspoon of this product per 100 gallons of water as an initial treatment.
2. Repeat at 15-to-20 minute intervals until a residual of 3-5 ppm of available chlorine is established as determined by test kit.
3. A test kit must be used regularly to determine the frequency of additional doses of this product needed to maintain the chlorine residual of 3-5 ppm.
1. Use 1 teaspoon of this product per 100 gallons of water.
2. Superchlorination may be needed on a nightly basis in a heavy used spa or as infrequently as once a week in a moderately used spa.
Sodium Dichloro-s-Triazinetrione Dihydrate - 99%
Other Ingredients - 1%
Bacteria thrive in hot water. To keep spa water protected all the time, a residual sanitizer is needed. Simply add SpaGuard's Chlorinating Concentrate to spa water while the pump is running, and they dissolve completely to start disinfecting your spa. Chlorinating Concentrate is also pH neutral to ensure no effect on your chemically balanced spa water. This concentrate can be used in regular doses as a sanitizer, and in shock doses as an oxidizer.